- 纸 paper
- 贴纸 paster
- [finish,manage+] 勉强算是 after a fashion
- 折纸 paper folding
- 卡纸 paperboard
- 检索Finish步骤中的“上一步”按钮的标识符。 Retrieves the identifier for the Previous button on the Finish step.
- 一碰到water就开始melt away. After eleven minutes
- 碎纸机 kneader
- 碰到water非但没有melt away, But the rice in the bags
- 获取或设置在Finish步骤中用于显示导航区域的模板。 Gets or sets the template that is used to display the navigation area on the Finish step.
- Start和Finish字段对于传达特定任务的时间窗口也非常有用。 The Start and Finish fields are also useful for conveying the time window for a particular task.
- 板纸 paperboard
- 521 and 1494 ps for the water hyacinth chloroplast; Our result in this work stands in line with the 20 ps electron transfer time constant in PS II rather sound and the water hyacinth plant grows slower than the spinach plant does as envisaged on the efficiency.
- 标签纸 tagboard
- 获取一个对Style对象的引用,该对象定义Finish步骤中“上一步”按钮的设置。 Gets a reference to a Style object that defines the settings for the Previous button on the Finish step.
- 在a和t之间加个i,water(水)这个词就变成了waiter(侍者)。 Insert "i"between"a"and"t", the word "water"will become"waiter"
- 拷贝纸 second sheet
- 如有小孩同行,可带他们到Wild Wadi Water Park水上乐园。 If you are travelling with your kids, bring them to the Wild Wadi Water Park to beat the heat.
- 白卡纸 ivory board
- 卷纸 stock form